The best Things to do in Alcala del Valle

All the information about what to do in Alcalá del Valle and outskirts. Check all the activities you can do in Alcalá and the places to visit with the best recommendations. The only specialised website in the Province of Cádiz.

The best Things to do in Alcala del Valle

All you can do in Alcalá del Valle

Alcalá del Valle is a town that lies between the provinces of Málaga and Cádiz. It has a strong Arabic influence in its architecture, e.g. its whitewashed houses and balconies burst with flowers.

There are many particular traditions, such as la carrerita de San Juan (a running procession) during Easter week, Carnival, Romería de Caños Santos, Romería de San Isidro Labrador (Romería meaning Pilgrimage), Feria y Fiestas de San Roque(Festival of San Roque), la Semana Cultural (Cultural Week) and Procesión de la Virgen del Valle (Procession of the Virgin of the Valley).

Alcalá del Valle belongs to the White Towns, a series of whitewashed towns in the Cádiz sierra with a fascinating history defined by the Moorish period and its craftwork and cuisine. The north part spans from Arcos de la Frontera to Alcalá del Valle.

Tourists can visit the Cortijo de la Guarda a 500-year-old Andalusian country house, now turned into a little and prestigious Bed & Breakfast. It lies in a valley near the historical city of Ronda. You can also visit other historical buildings such as Santa Maria del Valle Church, Convento de los Caños Santos, and the megalithic site Dólmenes de Tomillos.

Alcalá del Valle is the perfect alternative for those who want to get to know the most traditional and genuine side of the Province of Cádiz and find peace and matchless natural beauty.

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