The best Things to do in Algar

All information about what to do in Algar and outskirts. Check all the activities you can do in Algar and the places to visit with the best recommendations. The only specialised website in the Province of Cádiz.

The best Things to do in Algar

Everything you can imagine about what to do in Algar

Algar is a municipality that offers multiple possibilities for active tourism activities during your stay in the Province of Cádiz. You have the option of hiking in the Tajo del Águila, fishing in the Majaceite river, canoeing, sailing or simply relaxing in the beautiful Guadalcacín Reservoir. This reservoir is the largest in the Province of Cádiz, with a capacity of approximately 800 hm³ and located in a natural environment of great beauty.

This town belongs to the Route of the White Villages. This route covers several locations characterised by its white façades and its traditional architecture and history marked by several civilisations.

Another possibility is to make a route through Los Alcornocales, a Natural Park that extends between the provinces of Málaga and Cádiz. It is formed by the most extensive cork oak forest mass in the world. Visitors can enjoy the native flora and a spectacular natural landscape. You also have the option of horseback riding through the Algar Mountains. Such a unique experience!

Likewise, visitors can enjoy local festivities such as the Algar Cattle Fair or the Santa María de Guadalupe Fair.

Algar is a municipality that offers both culture, active and leisure tourism and the possibility of unwinding and merging with the beautiful natural environment.

On TUDESTINO we always want to show you all the information of the province.

Discover The best Things to do in Algar

Route of the White Villages
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