Diving in La Linea de la Concepción

Discover all the information you need about companies that organize diving activities in La Linea de la Concepcion. Diving courses, dives, schools, shops

Diving in La Linea de la Concepción


Diving in La Linea is a very interesting, different and fun complementary activity. This small coastal town is located at the southernmost point of the province of Cadiz, right on the strait between Europe and Africa and adjacent to the Campo de Gibraltar.

This small coastal town has a special charm both because of its climate and its beautiful view of the strait, from which to see the African continent before diving will be hard to forget.

Anyone who comes to La Linea on holiday will be fascinated by diving on its beautiful beaches. Not only will you enjoy the experience but you can learn a lot about the typical marine fauna of the area by doing a very atypical activity.

Diving can be a very interesting complementary activity in La Linea since apart from this in this town you will enjoy a fantastic gastronomy. We encourage you to try this fun activity that will make you discover a new way of seeing the sea, and what better than to do it on a beautiful beach like this one.

If you wish to dive in the Linea de la Concepcion do not hesitate to consult our TUDESTINO website where you will find all the necessary information regarding this fantastic activity.

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