The best Things to do in Paterna de Rivera

All the information you need about what to do in Paterna de Rivera and the outskirts. Find out with TUDESTINO all the activities you can do in Paterna de Rivera and the places to visit with our best recommendations. The only specialised website in the Province of Cádiz.

The best Things to do in Paterna de Rivera

Everything you need to know about what to do in Paterna de Rivera

Paterna de Rivera is a town that belongs to the region of La Janda, known for its livestock and herd of horses. This municipality is part of the famous Ruta del Toro, thanks to which you will get to know the breeding sites where brave bulls and the native retinto breed are raised and you will discover their natural habitat. It is a unique experience!

Another place of great beauty that is located in this area is La Fuentecita, the only source of sulphuro-saline waters that fed the different spas that existed during the nineteenth century. We must also mention the Cortegana Recreational Area, an ideal green space to escape and enjoy a day of nature. Here it is celebrated the Pilgrimage of San Sebastián.

You can also visit the Guadalcacín Reservoir, the largest in the Province of Cádiz and surrounded by a unique natural landscape. Here you can practise several activities of active tourism, such as kayaking, paddle surfing, hiking, climbing or canyoning.

Visit the Nuestra Señora de la Hiniesta Church, a 16th-century Mudejar religious building. Its three chapels stand out: Capilla del Sagrario, Capilla de los Bautismos and Capilla de la Virgen de la Soledad.

Enjoy the local cuisine trying the best tapas and dishes at the most typical restaurants and tapas bars where eating is a delicacy.

The most important festivities in Paterna would be the Feria de la Primavera, in June; the Feria de la Juventud, in July or the Doma Vaquera Contest, in August, since Paterna is dedicated to the breeding of Hispanic-Arabian horses.

You will find all this and much more in Paterna de Rivera. On TUDESTINO we always offer you the best!

Discover The best Things to do in Paterna de Rivera

Route of the Bull (Ruta del Toro)
The Route of the Bull (Ruta del Toro) is a tourist itinerary in the province of Cadiz that runs through those cattle areas where brave bulls and the native retinto breed are raised. These are highly regarded, gastronomically speaking. Of enormous natural and cultural value, this animal is observed in its natural habitat, the pasture....

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