The best Things to do in Torre Alhaquime

All the information you need on what to do in Torre Alháquime and the outskirts. Find out with TUDESTINO all the activities you can do in Torre Alháquime and the places to visit with our best recommendations. The only specialised website in the Province of Cádiz.

The best Things to do in Torre Alhaquime

What to do in your holidays in Torre Alháquime?

Torre Alháquime is a land with long Muslim heritage and of old bandits, and you’ll find many interesting routes that recreate the past of the town and its protagonists. The town holds important motor events, making this a place where culture, history, and gastronomy joint to give a unique experience to its visitors.

If you love nature and want to visit the green spots of the province, then you should visit Área Recreativa Vegas de Arriba(Recreational Area Vegas de Arriba), a nice place beside the Guadalporcún river where you can go hiking, horse riding, biking or just enjoy the environment and relax.

If you are a culture and history lover, then you should pay a visit to other attractions of the town, like Castillo del Cementerio y Murallas Fortaleza Nazarí (Castle of Torre-Alháquime and the Fortress Walls of the Nasrid dynasty) and the curch Iglesia Nuestra Señora de la Antigua. Besides, this town belongs to the White Towns of the Cádiz Sierra, a perfect place to get immersed in the rich nature and culture of the province.

Torre Alháquime is the perfect place either if you plan to have active holidays or if you want to relax and enjoy its cuisine, culture, and wonderful people. Torre Alháquime is the perfect destination to enjoy with your family.

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