The best Things to do in Villamartin

All the information you need on what to do in Villamartín and the outskirts. Find out with TUDESTINO all the activities you can do in Villamartín and the places to visit with our best recommendations. The only specialised website in the Province of Cádiz.

The best Things to do in Villamartin


Villamartín is the starting point to explore the Province and it’s well known for it. The town has one of the oldest archaeological heritages in the country and has a spectacular nature.

There are three old churches with great cultural and historical value: Santuario Nuestra Señora de las Montañas (Sactuary of Nuestra Señora de las Montañas) , Templo Parroquial Santa María de las Virtudes (Parish Temple of Santa María de las Virtudes) and the church Iglesia San Francisco, with its origins in the 16th century. You should also visit the 6000-year-old Yacimiento Dolmen de Alberite (Alberite Dolmen Site) and the Museo de Villamartín (Museum of Villamartín).

This town is one of the White Towns of the Cádiz Sierra. Besides, the town has unique natural spaces of great nature, where you can do all kinds of activities of adventure tourism. The majestuous Suryalila Retreat Centre is an interesting alternative to eat excellent organic vegetarian cuisine, relax and enjoy the spectacular mountainous landscape that surrounds this refuge.

Villamartín has a magnificent local gastronomical offer, and you ‘ll enjoy the most typical and tasty dishes of the Province of Cádiz. The perfect destination to enjoy nature, culture, history, and Cádiz’s tradition.

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