Multiadventure in El Bosque

Discover all the companies that organize diverse multiadventure activities in El Bosque. Enjoy a day of adventure with friends and family.

Multiadventure in El Bosque

Multiadventure activities in El Bosque

If you come to El Bosque, and you like to enjoy experiences that make you feel alive, multiadventure is what you need.

Because this town is in the mountains and surrounded by nature, most of the sports and activities you can do have a lot to do with the environment. Some of them are canyoning, climbing, horse riding or cycling routes and trekking.

Very close to this village there are several reservoirs, the Hurones and the Bornos, where you can practice water sports such as diving, kayaking, windsurfing or skiing towed by a boat.

The companies that offer these have all the necessary equipment and material. In addition to all the sports and routes, they have professional instructors who give courses at all levels and also accompany you when carrying out the activities.

Moreover, the climate we enjoy in the province is quite pleasant throughout the year, so that many of these activities can be practised any day.

Doing them with your friends or family could be a lot of fun.

If you would like to enjoy some of these multiadventure activities at El Bosque, please visit our website, TUDESTINO, to find out more about the options available.

Discover Multiadventure in El Bosque

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