The best Restaurants in Puerto Serrano

Discover our Guide to the best restaurants in Puerto Serrano, Spain. Find the best places to have tapas in Puerto Serrano or where to eat in Puerto Serrano, Cadiz. Local cuisine restaurants and charming restaurants.

The best Restaurants in Puerto Serrano

We recommend only quality restaurants, good service and good food. Checked for you by TUDESTINO, the specialised website in the province of Cadiz.


Puerto Serrano (Spain) is a perfect place to have tapas in one of its restaurants. Normally, the inhabitants of this Andalusian municipality like eating out and having a good time with family and friends. There are a large number of these in Puerto Serrano.

Puerto Serrano restaurants will guide you to incredible tapas and a spectacular local cuisine.

The restaurants of this Andalusian town are adapted according to the time of day. In the mornings you will find the common breakfast of the sierra: coffee and toast with ham and the best olive oil.

At noon, you can have the best tapas, such as the exquisite tagarninas soup or asparagus soup.

Once tea time arrives, you can taste the best snacks of the town. We talk about the fantastic tortas de hornazo, special dough covered with almonds.

In short, if you decide to visit this fantastic town you will find a wide variety of restaurants.

On TUDESTINO we suggest the best restaurants where to eat in Puerto Serrano. You will know everything related to its cuisine and its culture.

Discover The best Restaurants in Puerto Serrano

Puerta de la Sierra
Restaurante Puerta de la Sierra is located in one of the most special spots in the Sierra de Cadiz. The starting point of the Vía Verde de la Sierra, in Puerto Serrano, is located in an old train station. From there, you can practise active tourism or do outdoor activities. This business, which also has...

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