Nature in El Palmar

Your comprehensive guide to nature in El Palmar, Cádiz. Get all the info you need. Guide to parks, natural attractions, landscapes and much more.

Nature in El Palmar

The best natural attractions in El Palmar

If you are a nature and beach lover, we recommend to spend your holidays in El Palmar.

You will find here one of the most beautiful beaches in the province of Cadiz: El Palmar beach. It is a very well-equipped, long sandy beach. There you can surf, shop and have fun or eat in the spectacular restaurants. It is a perfect place for relaxing. Moreover, you will witness one of the most beautiful sunsets here.

There are many more things to do in El Palmar. TUDESTINO gives you all the information you need, as well as a set of activities that will make your time here unforgettable!

Discover Nature in El Palmar

Playa El Palmar
Playa El Palmar, at the feet of Vejer de la Frontera, is one of our favourite places in the province of Cádiz. Its great length and golden sand will captivate you. This beach has all kinds of services. These include toilets, spa, Red Cross, showers, rescue equipment, litter bins, Local Police. Marina, warning sign, cleaning...

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