The best of Culture in Alcala de los Gazules

Guide to the cultural events and entertainment in Alcalá de los Gazules, Province of Cádiz. Cultural tours, tourist guides, shows. Explore the best of culture in Alcalá de los Gazules.

The best of Culture in Alcala de los Gazules
10 Places

The best cultural tours in Alcalá de los Gazules

Alcalá de los Gazules is a beautiful white inland town of the Province of Cádiz that is a must-see for all culture lovers. It is an ideal place for you to discover the different cultural elements that can be found here and learn all about them.

Alcalá de los Gazules boasts a wealth of items of great cultural value: churches, religious imagery and sculptures, museums, music, cuisine and history. An enriching experience for all!

All this will undoubtly make you enjoy your visit to the town, especially if you are a culture lover. The history of Alcalá de los Gazules is stricly related to its culture. The influence of different peoples going through the region during its long history has left its mark on the great majority of towns of the province.

What is more, the local cuisine is undoubtedly part of our culture. When you visit the Province of Cadiz, trying the typical local food is something that you must do.

Alcalá de los Gazules is not only renowned for its beautiful architecture, but also for the less “tangible” culture. For example, flamenco. If you visit Alcalá de los Gazules you should attend a live flamenco show. Surely, it won’t leave you indifferent!

So if you are a real culture aficionado, Alcalá de los Gazules is an ideal town to spend unforgettable holidays. Do not hesitate to check out our website TUDESTINO to find all useful info about Alcalá de los Gazules.

Discover The best of Culture in Alcala de los Gazules

La Mesa del Esparragal Roman Site
La Mesa del Esparragal Roman Site, in Alcalá de los Gazules, is a settlement of Phoenician and Roman origin. There, the “Bronze Lascuta” was found, a relic from the year 189 B.C. This is considered the oldest document in Latin in Spain. We can also see a Visigoth tower built with Roman...

Church of San Francisco in Alcala
The Church of San Francisco is popularly known as La Victoria Church. It was part of the Convent founded by Minim friars following its establishment in Alcalá de los Gazules in the 17th century. You will find the statue of Jesus Nazareno inside, made by José Montes de...

Casa del Cabildo
Casa del Cabildo (“City Council Building”), in Alcala de los Gazules, is an interesting building from the 16th century. In Renaissance style, it stands out for the contrast of colors and the overlapping of architectural orders on its façade. Solidity and austerity at its...

La Salada Roman Water Tank and Fountain
La Salada Roman Water Tank and Fountain (Depósitos y Fuente Romanos de La Salada), in Alcalá de los Gazules, have been recently excavated. They were built to take advantage of a spring that appeared unexpectedly from the rock. It dates back to the 2nd century B.C. The set consists of reservoirs, triumphal arches and the...

Hermitage of Nuestra Señora de los Santos
The Hermitage of Nuestra Señora de los Santos (Ermita Santuario de Nuestra Señora de los Santos) is a place of worship. It has become a second home to all the inhabitants of Alcalá de los Gazules. The current sanctuary dates from the 17th century, although its origin lies three centuries earlier. Its entire structure revolves...

Main Church of San Jorge
The Main Church of San Jorge, in Alcalá de los Gazules, was built on a Muslim mosque. This current church has a Latin cross plan and was built during the 16th and 18th centuries. The Church is in Gothic style, although most of the altarpieces are baroque. Pieces of great value stand out, such as...

Castle and Muslim Walls Remains
The Castle and Muslim Walls Remains of Alcalá de los Gazules are located near the San Jorge Square. They occupy what was the inner ward of the castle. Of the fortress, only a fortified tower remains. The rest was blown up during the War of Independence. You can also visit the Puerta de la...

Alcala de los Gazules Ethnographic Museum
In the Alcala de los Gazules Ethnographic Museum, customs and typical objects that existed in the area of ​​Alcalá de los Gazules and Los Alcornocales Natural Park for several decades. Most of the objects have been donated by the inhabitants of Alcalá. The main objective of this museum is to satisfy the interest in knowing the...

Roman Bridge
The Puente Romano (Roman Bridge) of Alcalá de los Gazules is located on the Barbate river. It is next to the now existing bridge, where some remains are left of...

Los Pozos (The Wells)
Los Pozos are several wells of Arabic origin. They are good examples of the typical architecture of Alcalá de los Gazules. They receive the following names: the high well (Pozo de Arriba), the middle well (Pozo de Enmedio) and the lower well (Pozo de...

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