The best Things to do in Benaocaz

All the information on what to do in Benaocaz and outskirts. Check all the activities you can do in Benaocaz and the places to visit with the best recommendations. The only specialised website in the Province of Cádiz.

The best Things to do in Benaocaz
6 Places

Do you want to know what to do in Benaocaz? Find all the information right here

Benaocaz is a town with a long Arabic character and history, linked to the history of the whole peninsula. The town lies in the south part of the White Towns, a series of whitewashed towns spanning from Prado del Rey to Zahara de la Sierra.

Benacoaz is a charming place, with its narrow streets leading to historical and cultural heritage e.g. its city hall, built in Baroque style. It has two floors and an Arabic-style ceiling. The building stores historical documents from the 16th century. The Castillo de Tavizno or Aznalmara, a fortress that lies at the top of a hill in a valley, is nowadays damaged, but it’s still possible to see the parade ground.

You can hike in Alcornocales Natural Park, Sierra de Grazalema, and Genatur, as well as do many outdoor activities and adventure tourism such as biking, climbing, paragliding, kayaking, among others.

The town’s most important festivities are Romería en Honor al Patrón San Esteban (Pilgrimage in honor of the patron saint San Esteban) and Suelta del Toro(a festivity in which the bull gets loose).

Benaocaz, with its long tradition and culture, is a privileged town where visitors will pleasantly be surprised by its essence.
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