The best Natural Parks in the Province of Cadiz

The BEST Natural Parks in the Province of Cadiz, Spain. Doñana National Park. Plan your visit and how to get to. Reviews, photos and more on TUDESTINO.

The best Natural Parks in the Province of Cadiz
6 Places

If you love contemplating splendid landscapes, hearing the sound of the leaves brushed by the gentle wind, the flight of the birds above your head or smelling the scents of the land, the Province of Cadiz is, without a doubt, an ideal place to spend your holidays and to enjoy the great amount of Natural Parks there are in the province.

There are Natural Parks located in the mountains, such as “Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park” or “Los Alcornocales Natural Park”, where you can enjoy fantastic walks with the sound of the river in the background. There is also the “Bahia de Cadiz Natural Park”, where you can enjoy some virgin beach or take a walk through the beautiful marshlands at sunset. We cannot forget about the Doñana National Park, a natural reserve where there are many types of animals, especially birds, which migrate here due to the great weather of the region.

In these places you can observe the protected chameleon, the tawny vulture, the goshawk, the deer, the roe deer, the Egyptian mongoose, the flamingo or the falcon, among others. Observe endangered species too, such as the imperial eagle, the Iberian lynx or the black stork. Finally, you will find plant species such as the Spanish fir, the stone pine, the olive tree…

On TUDESTINO you will find the most complete information about the Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park, Los Alcornocales Natural Park, Bahia de Cadiz Natural Park, La Breña y Marismas del Barbate Natural Park, Doñana National Park and El Estrecho Natural Park.

Discover The best Natural Parks in the Province of Cadiz

El Estrecho
Located between the Atlantic ocean and the Mediterranean sea, El Estrecho Natural Park has unique characteristics. This is due to the extreme climatic conditions to which it is subjected, presenting a very particular fauna and flora. The east and west winds, so characteristic of the Strait, have set up dunes, white and fine sand beaches,...

Doñana National Park
Doñana National Park encompasses the provinces of Cádiz, Huelva and Seville. It is, perhaps, one of the areas of greatest cultural, ecological and landscape value in Andalusia. Here we find pine forests such as Pinar de la Algaida, marshes such as Bonanza and parts flooded by the water of the Guadalquivir river. Sanlucar de Barrameda...

Bay of Cadiz
The Bay of Cadiz Natural Park, in the central part of the Atlantic coast of the province, is located in a large area of wetlands. The special ecological characteristics of these wetlands are caused by the influence of the nearby ocean and the mild Mediterranean weather. They coexist in their environment with a high human...

La Breña y Marismas del Barbate
La Breña y Marismas del Barbate Natural Park is framed in the municipalities of Barbate, Los Caños de Meca and Vejer de la Frontera. It presents, through its cliffs and precipices, one of the most impressive views of the province. Its deep pine forest contains a great fauna, especially poultry. Barbate, Los Caños and Vejer...

Los Alcornocales
With 170,000 hectares, Los Alcornocales Natural Park is crowned as the best preserved nature treasure in the province of Cádiz. Its enormous extension covers 16 municipalities of Cadiz; such as Arcos de la Frontera, Tarifa, Medina Sidonia, Ubrique, Los Barrios, Jimena de la Frontera and Jerez de la Frontera. Its name refers to the park’s...

Sierra de Grazalema
The Sierra de Grazalema Natural Park, which has been declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, is one of the places with the greatest ecological value in Andalusia. This natural park, which records the highest rainfall rates in Spain, presents an indigenous fauna and flora of incalculable wealth. Its caves and gorges will delight lovers of...

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