What to See in Cadiz City

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What to See in Cadiz City
80 Places


Cádiz is a city with lots to see. On the map we place it in the Bay of Cádiz and it is the capital of the province of Cádiz. Therefore, it has great cultural and historical value.

The city has great points of great interaction and interest. However, and like the rest of the province, its beaches are characteristic. Some that stand out are Cortadura Beach, Playa de la Victoria, Playa de las Mujeres / Santa María del Mar and the one of greatest interest, La Caleta. There you will find the Castle of San Sebastián and the Castle of Santa Catalina, the old spa and the small quaint boats.

If you want to know the history of Cádiz, you can do it through the different archaeological sites scattered throughout the city. The Casa del Obispo Archaeological Site, the Gadir Archaeological Site, the Roman Salting Factory and the Roman Theatre, among others. Through the streets you can admire the innumerable historical and religious buildings with great value for its history and its architecture. Some examples would be the Cathedral of Cádiz, religious building par excellence, and the San Felipe Neri Oratory (Baroque style temple). Attached to the latter is the Interpretive Centre of the Constitution of 1812, a place of great interest of the city.

Cádiz has numerous chapels (capillas) and temples scattered throughout the city’s neighbourhoods, also being examples of an emblematic architecture and religious culture. We must mention the San Juan de Dios’ Capilla del Sagrario, the Capilla del Pópulo, the Capilla de la Orden Tercera de Capuchinos or the Capilla del Beato Diego.

As for historic buildings, you can visit the Palacio de la Diputación de Cádiz, the many Palace Houses, the Chamber of Commerce and the Tavira Tower. The latter has extraordinary views of the city.

If we go into the neighbourhoods and squares, you can see Plaza de San Antonio, Plaza del Mentidero, Plaza de las Flores, Plaza Mina or Plaza Candelaria. See all the monuments, stroll through the Alameda Apodaca, visit the Parque Genovés Park and see the Mirador entre catedrales.

There are several theatres of great cultural value, but the most important and recognised one is Gran Teatro Falla. The Carnival Group Contest is held annually here. Another theatre that we should mention (and that children love) is the Aunt Norica Puppet Theatre (Teatro de Títeres de la Tía Norica).

There are different museums that should be visited, such as the La Merced Municipal Centre for Flamenco Art, the Cádiz Lithographic Workshop Museum, the Puppet Museum or the Baluarte de la Candelaria. All of them are places of great value and cultural interest.

On TUDESTINO you have all the information you need in order to know in depth all the spots offered by the wonderful capital of the province of Cadiz.

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Church of San Antonio
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Playa de la Victoria
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Gadir Archaeological Site
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Old Military Hospital (Antiguo Hospital Militar)
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Museo de las Cortes de Cádiz
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Church of El Carmen in Cadiz
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Plaza de Candelaria and Monument to Castelar
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Casa del Almirante
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Arco de la Rosa
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